Saturday, September 18, 2010


My Very Own

Between last posts I've left my old job, moved to Portland, and started a new a job. It feels like it's been way less than 8 months. Anyway, I was kind of stagnating on doing anything interesting image-wise for a while, and was kind of feeling dumb about it.

A friend of mind pointed me at the demo-scene the other day. The idea behind it is to create procedurally created images and videos where the entire compress executable size is less than 64kb, which is tiny in terms of modern computing storage.

The idea intrigued me enough to give it a shot, so this weekend I started a fast and dirty renderer framework to make static images. And here's the first one! With some nice anti-aliased lines and everything. I'm pretty happy 'cause I'm pretty much responsible for every single pixel in this image. Next up: Beziers or NURBs and maybe animation.